Social responsibility
As a company, we are committed to aligning our sustainability efforts with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as proposed by the United Nations. By integrating the SDGs in our strategy, we ensure that our actions contribute to the global agenda for sustainable development. Not only does this approach prepare us for the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU, but it also demonstrates our commitment to making a positive impact on a global scale.

Goal 4: Quality Education
At NewPort, we believe in the power of continuous education and growth. Therefore, we have several initiatives to help facilitate lifelong learning for our employees and partners.
In 2020, we launched the NewPort Academy, which we are using to promote continuous learning and development for both our employees and partners. Our partnerships with esteemed educational institutions enable us to support scholars and interns in kick-starting their careers or completing their education, and developing a skilled workforce for the future. We actively seek partnerships and opportunities to promote quality education beyond our organization, with the intention of making a positive impact on communities and society.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
NewPort values decent work and economic growth. We uphold fair wages, comprehensive benefits, and a commitment to eco-friendly commuting, reflecting our values of sustainability and social responsibility.
We have an inclusive hiring process and promote equality, diversity and inclusion among our employees. Furthermore, we value a healthy and safe working environment, enabling our employees to thrive. This results in a positive culture that enhances employee retention and satisfaction. Next to that, our organization fosters innovation and entrepreneurship by encouraging creativity and offering resources and mentorship programs on all levels. Of course, we support community development and social causes through partnerships.

Goal 13: Climate Action
To take action towards a more sustainable environment, we conducted a carbon footprint assessment, in which we measure the carbon footprint of our emissions directly related to the transportation of our tank containers. To do this, we closely collaborate with our suppliers and partners to ensure that they share our global commitment to sustainability. Next to that, NewPort is also committed to assessing the emissions that are not directly related to our transportation, such as our offices and personnel. We have defined goals based on these carbon footprint assessments, aligning with our sustainability objectives.
As NewPort, we continuously focus on sustainable practices, such as reducing paper usage, telecommuting and promoting the usage of energy-efficient equipment within our offices. We educate our employees on the importance of sustainability and climate change, and encourage them to participate in company-wide sustainability efforts, such as recycling programs and promoting eco-friendly practices, both inside and outside of work.